Our quote for each project is evaluated separately. The parameters that affect the final cost are:

  • Number of individual setups (scans) required to depict the whole project to produce the expected outcome
  • Deliverables
  • Site particularities
  • Expected accuracy and level of detail

Let’s estimate your project

In order to define the cost of your project, kindly provide the following insights:

    [group size-of-project-group-1]


    [group size-of-project-group-2]


    plans 2D3D PlansBIM PlansMesh Point CloudRegistered point cloudOrhtophotosFly-in modelOther (please describe)

    [group deliverables-discribe]

    [group plans2d-group]
    Floor plansSectionsElevations

    [map map-470 "zoom:4;clat:49.84717677846805;clng:14.687884781489808;lat:47.61357279738411;lng:13.892631249999994"]